Trending in Smartsheet Basics
Restriction for email entered into form
We are trying to update a field on our form, where the submitter enters their email. Recently someone entered their personal email, which we do not want. We are trying to update this field so that it will only accept emails with our work domain. Is this possible? I believe it should be but am having difficulty figuring it…
Record a date automation isn't working
I set up the automation below, and it's not working. When I change the status of a row to complete, nothing happens. If I go into the automation manager and select "run" or "test" the completion date column fills in with today's date. What am I doing wrong? This should be straight-forward. I've tried building this…
Why are my Task Rows expanded every morning?
I've been using smartsheet for a few years now and never had this issue before, but starting this year, every morning when I go into one of my project sheets at the start of my work day they are ALL expanded. I have parent and child tasks that are 100% completed a year ago that are now suddenly expanded every morning. So…