Count a Titled Course if there is text in the cell, but not "OTHER"
Sometimes more than 1 course is taught at the same location. I am being asked to count the number of courses taught, quarterly. On rare occasions, a course is not taught and OTHER is entered in that column. (OTHER could mean initial meetings, graduation, etc.) Here is the existing formula. =IF([COURSE 2]@row = "OTHER", 0,…
Help with IF(AND) formulas
= IF[Instructor 1 Last Name]@row = "" - AND [Instructor Status]@row = "U.S. Instructor" - I need it to count as 1. Otherwise, 0. What I've written above is what I want to do. Below is the formula, which gives me the dreaded #UNPARSEABLE. =IF(AND([INSTRUCTOR 1 LAST NAME]@row=””, [INSTRUCTOR 1 STATUS]@row=”U.S. Instructor”,…
Cell linking
What am I doing wrong? I am linking cells from one sheet to another. When I do so I select two cells and then link them to two cells in another sheet. However, only the first cell has a link not the adjacent one? Also when I delete the link and go to try again the deleted link still appears in the source sheet.
Connect MS Power Query to Smartsheet?
Can anyone explain how to connect Smartsheet reports to MS Power Query? I have tried creating API Tokens to connect some of my reporting, but I’ve been unsuccessful. I can “halfway” Access the Smartsheet via Power Query, but I’ve not been able to figure out how to access my content through Smartsheet and manage the data.…
CMMS Template
Hello, Please can anyone help me with a CMMS template to adapt and use? Thanks
Countif checking for status and date range
Trying to create a data page based off another sheet to create counts of tickets (sync wit JIRA) that were closed withing a month. I have a column in the main sheet for "story", one for status "done" and one for update/close date from jira "Jira Update". So I need a count if where these items are true, plus where the date…
Automate approval by row
I have a sheet which requires updates and approvals by multiple individuals. I want to create an Automated Workflow that assigns approval by row, whenever there is any change to that row. All rows, obviously, have the same columns. In other words, I want to create an approval workflow for each row so that the person who…
Single Sign On for ADFS 5
Have other admin experienced issues when setting up SAML using ADFS 5? The metadata that we receive from Smartsheet produces an error, which we can move forward with to create a relay. However, the end product of metadata is considered invalid. I'm not finding any documentation that says Smartsheet isn't compatible with…
% Complete Column Only Works for Some Parent Tasks
I created a basic project sheet and have been filling in tasks for two main deliverables (both shown as parent rows). Under those two parent rows are several child rows. However, the % Complete column is only auto-calculating for one of those two parent rows. The other remains at 0% no matter what I put in the various…
Update field in another sheet
Hi there, i'm trying to figure this out: I have sheet #1 with an email address field. When that field is updated, Smartsheet automatically updates sheet #2 email address field with the email entered in sheet #1. Is this possible?