Single Sign On for ADFS 5

tsmith112326 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Have other admin experienced issues when setting up SAML using ADFS 5? The metadata that we receive from Smartsheet produces an error, which we can move forward with to create a relay. However, the end product of metadata is considered invalid. I'm not finding any documentation that says Smartsheet isn't compatible with ADFS 5, but that seems to be the only thing left as we have attempted to reconfigure the claim assurance rules many different ways including those in the documentation provided by Smartsheet and other users. However nothing seems to be fixing this issue. Smartsheet won't even accept the metadata we created from our relay trust and given the error we recieve when using Smartsheet SAML XML we believe it isn't compatible with ADFS. Anyone else having a similar issue or way to fix it? 


  • Alejandra
    Alejandra Employee

    Hi tsmith,

    I don't believe there's anything fundamentally different with AD FS 5 that would be problematic. However, invalid metadata errors have been known to be caused by whitespace in the xml.

    If that's not the issue, I'd recommend providing screenshots of the errors you're seeing and the metadata you're trying to use to our Support team to troubleshoot further