Countif checking for status and date range

jasonp ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Trying to create a data page based off another sheet to create counts of tickets (sync wit JIRA) that were closed withing a month.  I have a column in the main sheet for "story", one for  status "done" and one for update/close date from jira "Jira Update". So I need a count if where these items are true, plus where the date is Jan or Feb or Mar etc etc.  Tired many combinations with no success. Anyone have ideas?


  • jasonp
    jasonp ✭✭✭✭

    base countifs

    =COUNTIFS({D2B Continuous Improvement Issue Type}, ="Story", {D2B Continuous Improvement Status}, ="Done")

    how do I add to check the column

    D2B Continuous Improvement JIRA Update


    D2B Continuous Improvement Close Month