Hello Smartsheets,

I was looking for some advice using JOIN/COLLECT. If I'm using JOIN/COLLECT to pull from a column that has repeat instances of the same value (in my case vendor names) is there a way to only show one instance of this name on the sheet they are being displayed on? So that I do not see the same name shown multiple times in the same cell? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

The current formula I'm using, which displays the vendors from another sheet that are associated with a certain item in another column:

JOIN(COLLECT({Pre-Booked Vendor}, {Item Name}, [Item Name]@row), CHAR(10)))

But I may end up with a list in the "Display Vendors" cell such as follows, but I only need to see each value once:

Vendor A

Vendor A

Vendor B

Vendor C

Vendor C



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