Calculation Formula /commission calculation

Hi , Please find attached

I Need to create formula in Commission column as follow :

If amount in Price Col has amount equal to 20.00 or less Than to input the amount 2.00 in commission col

and if the amount is between 21.00 to 25.00 than to input amount 3.00 in commission col

and if amount is between 26.00 to 30.00 than to input the amount 4.00 in commission col

and if amount is equal to 30.00 and higher than to put the amount 5.00 in commission col

Thank you



  • Brent Wilson
    Brent Wilson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/28/23

    This should work

    =IF([Price]@row>=30, 5, IF([Price]@row>=26, 4, IF([Price]@row>=21, 3, 2)))

    Started at 30 and worked my way down..

    this will give anything under 20 a $2.00 commission

    This would give zero commission for <0

    =IF([Price]@row>=30, 5, IF([Price]@row>=26, 4, IF([Price]@row>=21, 3, IF([Price]@row>=0, 2, 0))))

    Brent C. Wilson, P.Eng, PMP, Prince2

    Facilityy Professional Services Inc.

  • Waleed
    Waleed ✭✭✭✭

    @Brent Wilson

    It work exactly as we want , so many thanks

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