SUMIFS referencing another sheet



  • Dana G
    Dana G ✭✭

    @Paul Newcome @DKazatsky I figured it out! Smartsheet was having an issue with the operators.

    =SUMIFS({CCO Contracted Deliverables - DATABASE Range 1}, {CCO Contracted Deliverables - DATABASE Range 6}, "1 Week", {CCO Contracted Deliverables - DATABASE Range 3}, "", {CCO Contracted Deliverables - DATABASE Range 4}, "3", {CCO Contracted Deliverables - DATABASE Range 8}, "")

    Since I could not use <> for a couple expressions, I created a separate column that returned "No" if either were true, then told Smartsheet to look for blanks in that column.

    Thanks for all your help (again!)

  • DKazatsky
    DKazatsky ✭✭✭

    @Dana G

    I'm glad you have it working now. I'm still perplexed as to why your original formula works for me but not you.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    @Dana G The COUNTIFS was not going to be the final solution. I was just using it for troubleshooting to try to narrow down where exactly the issue was (thus the reason for using the same range/criteria sets as opposed to a filter).

    I'm glad you have it working now though.

  • Dana G
    Dana G ✭✭

    @Paul Newcome Gotcha! Even knowing how you troubleshoot is helpful for learning and trying to figure these out on my own. Have a great weekend and talk with you next time I get stuck :)

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