Is there a way automatically order based on date? (Automatically sorting by date in descending order



I was wondering if there was a formatting of some sort that would automatically sort my sheet based on "Effective Date" in descending order.

For my sheet, data would be inputted via forms and would be asked for "Effective Date." When the data goes into the sheet from the form, is there a way to automatically sort it based on "Effective Date?"

Thank you for your help!


  • Katie G
    Katie G ✭✭✭✭

    I think the best option is to create a Report that creates a view of the Sheet sorted the way you would like

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Christian Ong

    On your sheet you can right-click a date column and choose Sort. It will sort it by date either ascending or descending as you choose. However, it's not automatic. It will only sort what is currently on the sheet so as things are added to the sheet they might get out of that sort order.

    If you need something automatic, I would suggest creating a report from the sheet. From the report you can choose a sort option that will stay in place no matter new rows being added.