Round off


Can you assist with my formula?

I added a Helper "Jan H". Wanted to show $5,487 on my January figure.



  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA Community Champion

    Hello @Teresa.Ocon123456

    You could try using the LEFT function.


    As soon as you hit 10+ million or below 1 million, the function won't work the way you are asking.

    You could use an IF function to add a condition to differentiate the possible results.

  • Teresa.Ocon123456
    edited 02/10/23

    Can you tell me the formula of the if function. This is my formula for January below.

    And just to add I could not put a comma and Dollar sign. Thanks.

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion

    If you're always looking to divide by 1000, you could simply bracket your current formula and divide by 1000. Then decrease the decimal places at the end to remove them and you will get the desired result:

    This also allows you to keep the $ symbol and commas as desired.

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