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Children and Sub Children

hallashley ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I need a little help with formulas. I want the parent to count the children and the sub children separately. Example below. I was able get the parent to count the children but when I try to count the sub children separately it counts all the children. This is the formula I used to count the children =("CONTRACT NAME - " + COUNT(CHILDREN()) + " openings")

Example: The "2 Submitted" is what I want the formula to also count

CONTRACT NAME - 6 Openings 2 Submitted

  17-ZOO-946- Software Engineer 0

      Smith, Bob

  17-IB-945- Software Engineer 1

  17-TBINE-944- Software Engineer 1

  17-SVC-940- Configuration Manager 1

  17-SVC-941- Trainer 1

  17-LAB-942- Network Engineer 2

      NE2- Doe, John

Thank you,




  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 06/07/17

    Hi Ashley,

    To accomplish this, you'll need to create a "Child Count" Text/Number column and place a formula like this example...

    =COUNT(CHILDREN([Employee Column]1))

    ...Where "Employee Column" is your column that contains both the Software Engineer 0, Software Engineer 1, etc. and their children, if any.

    You can then place a formula in your CONTRACT NAME parent-most cell like this...

    ="CONTRACT NAME: " + COUNT(CHILDREN()) + " Openings " + SUM([Child Count]:[Child Count]) + " Submitted"

    ...Which will count children and Sum the "Child Count" column.

    Make sure to adapt these formula to your sheet and reference your cells as needed. More information on our available functions can be found in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/functions

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