
=COUNTIFS({MLL Department Range 2}, "Open", {MLL Department Range 4}, "Yes")

I need this equation to change the second part to say not N/A. This is beacuse it needs to count all the locations that have a time EX: 8:00:00 AM and others. I need all the times counted to know how many locations are open


  • Ipshita
    Ipshita Community Champion

    Hi @Please help

    In the second part of the formula, add this - {MLL Department Range 4}, <>"N/A"

    so your formula might read somewhat like this -

    =COUNTIFS({MLL Department Range 2}, "Open", {MLL Department Range 4}, "Yes", ({MLL Department Range 2}, "Open", {MLL Department Range 4}, <>"N/A"))

    Try and let me know if this works....


    Ipshita Mukherjee

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