Can I update a cell date in one sheet and have another sheet also update to the same date?


I'm very new to using Smartsheet. We have two different smartsheets with the same project in both. I'd like to update a date in the date column and have it automatically update in the other smartsheet. is there a way to do this? if so, could you please provide a step-by-step for a fellow new user?

Cheers, thank you!



  • Lucas Rayala
    Lucas Rayala ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/22/23

    You need a unique ID to link the rows across the two sheets. In my world, I use material lot numbers a lot because they're always unique to a row. Once you have unique IDs to link the two sheets rows, you can make a cross sheet reference (Google "Smartsheet Cross Sheet Reference") using a formula like this in your destination cell (i.e. the cell you want to automatically update with a date):

    =INDEX(COLLECT({date column from sheet 1}, {unique reference column from sheet 1}, unique_ref@row),1)

    When you lookup how to do cross sheet references, it will tell you how to insert those funny references between the squiggly lines.

  • afelo
    afelo ✭✭

    Thank you Lucas, I'll give it a shot right now. I tried cell linking but it only applies one-way changes, I need them both to update depending on which sheet cell is being changed. thanks again

  • afelo
    afelo ✭✭

    Is there a way to make two-way changes? say sheet1 has a dates column where I change a cell and it updates in sheet2. Can I also change the date in sheet2 to have it change in sheet1 as well?

  • Lucas Rayala
    Lucas Rayala ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/24/23

    @afelo if you have datamesh, this is POSSIBLE but the logic gets complex and funky. it's even POSSIBLE without datamesh, but I assure you, you do not want to get into how unless this is EXTREMELY important. even though i could personally set this up, I would honestly tell my end users to live with it. and because it's so complex, i can only tell you generally how to do it, provide you a few links, and you will have adapt and troubleshoot. it would take me a few hours. if you are not experienced, i would set aside a few days. probably not worth it.

  • afelo
    afelo ✭✭

    Fair enough! I'll stick to one way. thanks for all your help!!

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