Show week commence date rather than actual date



Can I please ask if it is possible to show the week commence date of a date input (e.g. w/c 20th Feb) rather than 24th Feb 2023 as the specific date for example?


Sin Nee


  • Ipshita
    Ipshita ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Sin Nee

    Can you please elaborate on your question and give us a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve so we can help you better? There are always multiple workarounds for achieving results in Smartsheet :)



    Ipshita Mukherjee

  • Sin Nee
    Sin Nee ✭✭

    Hi Ipshita,

    Thank you for your reply. For example if I input let say a date of Tuesday on a week, can I then generate a date of the first day of that week instead? Would this work with formula as it is where the data will be input?

    Hope this is clear.

    Thank you,

    Sin Nee

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