
Hello, I am using a formula that works to calculate the number of working days left to the Original or Revised Due date:

=IF([Revised Due Date]@row = "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Original Due Date]@row), IF([Revised Due Date]@row <> "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Revised Due Date]@row)))

but I would like to add a condition: If the task is Complete, then the working Days left is Blank (or -) but not carrying counting.

Please can someone help,

Many thanks

Best Answers

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @KarineMul22_TPg

    Try this

    =IF([insert name of your status column]@row="Complete", "", IF([Revised Due Date]@row = "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Original Due Date]@row), IF([Revised Due Date]@row <> "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Revised Due Date]@row))))

    Don't forget to update the formula to include the name of your Status column where the "Complete" resides.

    Does this work for you?


  • KarineMul22_TPg
    KarineMul22_TPg ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey Kelly,

    First I thought "but I 've tried that", well obviously not the same as yours works :) many thanks



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @KarineMul22_TPg

    Try this

    =IF([insert name of your status column]@row="Complete", "", IF([Revised Due Date]@row = "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Original Due Date]@row), IF([Revised Due Date]@row <> "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Revised Due Date]@row))))

    Don't forget to update the formula to include the name of your Status column where the "Complete" resides.

    Does this work for you?


  • KarineMul22_TPg
    KarineMul22_TPg ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey Kelly,

    First I thought "but I 've tried that", well obviously not the same as yours works :) many thanks


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