Cross sheet Countifs formula between two dates and various criteria


Hi everyone

I need to provide a report on registrations for training on a week by week process - ie: training rsvp's & attendance for week 1, week 2 and total.

My criteria's are:

Training course name

Training session dates - between the Monday & Friday - ie: all training sessions by course that occur between Monday 13 March to Friday 17

Acceptance status


My formula is as below however it's not working as its returning a '0' value however I know there is data that should be counted - I think I have the date format wrong but am not sure.

=COUNTIFS({Training Sessions Registration and RSVPs Range 1}, "Training Session Name", {Training Sessions Registration and RSVPs Range 2}, "Accepted", {Training Sessions Registration and RSVPs Range 3}, <=DATE(2023, 3, 13), {Training Sessions Registration and RSVPs Range 3}, >=DATE(2023, 3, 17), {Training Sessions Registration and RSVPs Range 4}, "Organisation")

This is an image of the date format in the database I am using

Any help would be greatly apricated.



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