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IFERROR Formula Help

Lila Carsten
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I would like to be able to count symbols in a column, even if there is an "#Invalid Data Type" error in one or more of the cells in that column. Will the =IFERROR formula help me?

Here's what I'm working on:

I am trying to determine whether or not a project has been completed early, on time, or late based on the date it was requested to be complete and the actual completion date. I have assigned symbols in a "P STAT" column... green symbol as early, yellow is on time, and red is late. If the project is not yet completed, the cell returns an #INVALID DATA TYPE error and because that error is present in the P STAT column, the entire column will not count the rest of the symbols. I have been manually deleting the error cells, then filling them in once that project date is complete, however, that's a lot of manual maintenance. I'd like a solution to disguise the error message with another symbol, or return a value that will allow the column to be counted... this is what I was thinking:

=IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]49) = DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]49), "Yellow", IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]49) < DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]49), "Red", IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]49) > DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]49), "Green", IFERROR([P STAT]:[P STAT]49), "Blue")))

Am I on the right track? This particular formula is not working, but I wasn't sure if this was the right way to accomplish what I am looking to accomplish. Any advice on this would be great appreciated, thank you!



  • Hi Lila,

    You're on the right track; your IFERROR function needs to be in front of the rest of your formula. The syntax is like this:


    Details on IFERROR are available in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/function/iferror

    Another great overall reference is our full functions list: https://help.smartsheet.com/functions


  • Thank you Shaine,

    I put the IFERROR function at the front so now my formula reads:

    =IFERROR(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]98) = DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]98), "Yellow", IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]98) < DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]98), "Red", IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]98) > DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]98), "Green", "Blue")))

    This is returning an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error this time. I looked into the sites you recommended... I'm pretty new at formula writing so I'm not sure where to go from here. 

  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 06/14/17

    Hi Lila—

    Looks like you're almost there, but you're missing an IF statement at the front and your parens are slightly off. Try this:

    =IFERROR(IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]98) = DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]98), "Yellow", IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]98) < DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]98), "Red", IF(DATEONLY([Install Request On/Before]98) > DATEONLY([Production Complete Date]98), "Green"))), "Blue")

    Copying and pasting this may give you an error. If you get an error after copying and pasting this formula, try manually typing it in exactly as is.

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