Countifs with multiple criteria and a "combo" criteria

AGK ✭✭
edited 03/21/23 in Formulas and Functions

Hi! I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong with the below...the formula works until I add the last part "=date(2023,3,14+{Sprint Push}, 1"

=COUNTIFS({Target Complete}, =DATE(2023, 3, 28), {Parent/Header Column}, 0, {Early/Late Complete}, "", {Target Complete}, =DATE(2023, 3, 14) + {Sprint Push}, 1)

I want to count all the target complete that have a specific date, but also the ones from the date previous that ALSO have a checkmark in the Sprint Push column. I am getting #incorrect arguement. TIA!


Best Answer

  • AGK
    AGK ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I came full circle answered my own question! :) I guess I could probably delete, but figured it could help someone else down the road. I was able to resolve by separating out and creating two countifs with a + and an "and" function

    =COUNTIFS({Target Complete}, =DATE(2023, 3, 28), {Parent/Header Column}, 0, {Early/Late Complete}, "") + COUNTIFS({Target Complete}, =DATE(2023, 3, 14), {Sprint Push}, AND(@cell = 1))


  • AGK
    AGK ✭✭

    Trying to bump :)

  • AGK
    AGK ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I came full circle answered my own question! :) I guess I could probably delete, but figured it could help someone else down the road. I was able to resolve by separating out and creating two countifs with a + and an "and" function

    =COUNTIFS({Target Complete}, =DATE(2023, 3, 28), {Parent/Header Column}, 0, {Early/Late Complete}, "") + COUNTIFS({Target Complete}, =DATE(2023, 3, 14), {Sprint Push}, AND(@cell = 1))

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