How you calculate the difference for the weeknumber of a date and todays date, considering the year?


I have a project schedule where we use


to calculate how far away the week number of the End Date is from the week number of Today's date. We have End Date's that are from Today's date just a year ago causing them to calculate a 0 as if the row item's End Date was this week. Is there anyway I can alter the formula to consider only this years End Date?


Best Answers

  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/23/23 Answer ✓


    Just add in an IF statement qualifying the year.

    =IF(YEAR([End Date]@row)=YEAR(TODAY()), (IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER([End Date]@row) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), "")),"Wrong Year")


    Just simplified it a bit

    =IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER([Due Date]@row) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), "") + 52 * ((YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Due Date]@row)))

    This will calculate regardless of the year. Hope this works better!

  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @mwb I updated my solution to you, hope you see it, if not here is a better formula.

    =IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER([Due Date]@row) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), "") + 52 * ((YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Due Date]@row)))


  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/23/23 Answer ✓


    Just add in an IF statement qualifying the year.

    =IF(YEAR([End Date]@row)=YEAR(TODAY()), (IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER([End Date]@row) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), "")),"Wrong Year")


    Just simplified it a bit

    =IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER([Due Date]@row) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), "") + 52 * ((YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Due Date]@row)))

    This will calculate regardless of the year. Hope this works better!

  • mwb
    mwb ✭✭

    @Eric Law

    That worked thank you!

  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @mwb I updated my solution to you, hope you see it, if not here is a better formula.

    =IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER([Due Date]@row) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), "") + 52 * ((YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Due Date]@row)))

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