Why did most of my reactions dissapear, & why didn't my most recent ones get added to my count?

ro.fei ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 03/29/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I had almost 10 upvotes (see the 5 upvote badge on the right) but now it says I have 2. Also, my most recent idea that I proposed has 73 upvotes & again, my count says 2. Why were my votes deleted, & why aren't the most recent ones counting?

As you can probably tell, I'm a fan of the gamification on here. I love how it encourages participation among other Community members. Thanks in advance!


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If I "Vote Up" this post, it could (depending on your existing count) trigger getting a badge. Once you get a badge, you keep it even if for whatever reason you no longer qualify for it. I could then "un-Vote Up" this post which would remove the count from your current stats (but leave the badge).

    In your second screenshot, it looks like you are referring to people voting on an idea. This is different from someone clicking on the "Vote Up" button on a comment or post.

    The below is the one that adds to your count...

    Come see me in Seattle at ENGAGE 2024! I will be at the 10xViz partner booth throughout as well as the "Lets Talk About Community" Meet & Eat table on Tuesday from 11:45am - 12:45pm!



  • Hey @ro.fei

    I'm happy to help clarify here as well!

    The Idea post you screen captured was an idea that existed before you posted your own version; I merged all of the other comments and votes onto this post. There were over 70 votes on the original thread, so those 70+ votes were originally applied to the other member's profile (the first comment immediately below yours) and did not get transferred over to you.

    This is actually an error on my part - instead of merging your one comment onto the thread that had 70 votes, I clicked the wrong button and brought all of their content onto your thread.

    In regards to the Vote count, this may have to do with other Ideas: when you post an Idea it receives one vote from yourself, however those don't count towards your overall upvote count. I believe that the site takes a bit of time to register/identify if the vote came from the same user who posted the Idea or not, so you may see some minor fluctuations in vote numbers.

    I hope that helps!



  • ro.fei
    ro.fei ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Makes sense why I didn't get the 70+ votes from the merged idea post, but I'm still confused as to why my other votes disappeared? I believe I had 7 before that post was merged, & now I'm back to 2. Is there a way to reinstate them?

  • Hi @ro.fei

    There are a few possible reasons for why your vote count may have gone down by a handful:

    • A few members may have voted on your duplicate idea and the original idea before the merge. This means when it was merged and the vote count was combined, only the original votes on the original post were counted as unique, thus removing the count from your profile and keeping it with the original poster's profile.
    • The site may have removed your own vote ups from your profile's count after initially recording a vote with one of your own Idea submissions.
    • A member initially clicked Vote Up on a comment or idea, then changed the reaction to Awesome or Insightful. (You can only add one type of reaction per post, so this would have removed the Vote.)

    I love to hear that you're excited about receiving votes and reactions! If you want to gain more, I'd suggest jumping into the conversation happening on the Question of the Month post, here.

