I need a if else formula


I am trying to create a formula that returns 1 if the value in the cell is created, then 1 else it returns that value that was originally in the cell.

=IF([Total Sessions Attended]:[Total Sessions Attended] < 1, "1", [Total Sessions Attended]@row)

[Total Sessions Attended] is the column I am looking at in the formula to see if the value is greater than. I tried to use @ row to return the original value, but that did not work.


Best Answer

  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @mwb , I think your formula should be =IF([Total Sessions Attended]@row < 1, 1, [Total Sessions Attended]@row), if you put the 1 in quotes, it will behave as a string instead of a number, so don't do that.


  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @mwb , I think your formula should be =IF([Total Sessions Attended]@row < 1, 1, [Total Sessions Attended]@row), if you put the 1 in quotes, it will behave as a string instead of a number, so don't do that.

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