Calculate a date based on contract end date and classification


I want to calculate starting work on a contract renewal based on contract end and the supplier's classification.

If the Supplier's Classification is "strategic" I need the Start Renewal to begin 540 days prior to Current Contract End date

If the Supplier's Classification is "key" I need the Start Renewal to begin 360 days prior to Current Contract End date

If the Supplier's Classification is "transaction" I need the Start Renewal to begin 180 days prior to Current Contract End date

If the Supplier's Classification is "Mandated" or "NA" I need the Start Renewal to equal Current Contract End date

Thank you for any suggestions.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Lisa Da Massa

    Try this

    =IF(ISDATE([Current Contract End Date]@row), IF(Classification@row = "Strategic", [Current Contract End Date]@row - 540, IF(Classification@row = "Key", [Current Contract End Date]@row - 360, IF(Classification@row = "Transaction", [Current Contract End Date]@row - 180, IF(OR(Classification@row = "Mandated", Classification@row = "NA"), [Current Contract End Date]@row)))))

    Will it work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Lisa Da Massa

    Try this

    =IF(ISDATE([Current Contract End Date]@row), IF(Classification@row = "Strategic", [Current Contract End Date]@row - 540, IF(Classification@row = "Key", [Current Contract End Date]@row - 360, IF(Classification@row = "Transaction", [Current Contract End Date]@row - 180, IF(OR(Classification@row = "Mandated", Classification@row = "NA"), [Current Contract End Date]@row)))))

    Will it work for you?


  • Lisa Da Massa

    That's perfect! Thank you so much

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