Evaluating the most recent date from one sheet and updating another

Hi all, this one has me stumped. In the Last Service Date column for an asset, I'm trying to get the date of the latest service on that asset from another sheet.

I have a Sheet- Maintenance Log that has rows of maintenance activities for assets like air conditioners, fans, etc. I have a date from Sheet- Maintenance Log in a column Date Service Completed that tells me when the date was of the service. I want to take the most recent service date from from the Sheet- Maintenance Log and update an asset row in Sheet- Asset Tracker based on the asset number. Below is the formula I've tried. Any help is appreciated.

=INDEX(COLLECT({Sheet - Ongoing Maintenance-Date Completed}), {Sheet - Ongoing Maintenance-COE Asset ID Num}, ISDATE(@cell), {Sheet - Ongoing Maintenance-Date Completed}, [Latest Date]@row, {Sheet - Ongoing Maintenance-COE Asset ID Num},1)

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