Subtract six months from a date

Hi, I have been reading the community but am confused. I have a date that updates a few times a year, let call that column A. I need column B to give the date six month prior to that date. So I need to subtract six month for what in column A. Can someone please give me some advice to do that.

Thank you




  • Austin Smith
    Austin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭


    Try this in column B.

    =IF(MONTH([Column A]@row) > 6, DATE(YEAR([Column A]@row), MONTH([Column A]@row) - 6, 1), IF(MONTH([Column A]@row) < 7, DATE(YEAR([Column A]@row) - 1, MONTH([Column A]@row) - 6, 1), ""))

  • Kimbh
    Kimbh ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, can you please tell me what you would change in this to make it six months in the future? More because I want to learn and understand. Is it the arrow symbol that controls that?

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