Updated formula breaks Calendar Report


Good afternoon.

I have a Calendar report that is looking at 11 sheets. All sheets have two check box columns that add data to two separate Calendars in the Calendar App. I was originally using this formula:

=IF([RegOps Overlay Calendar]@row = 1, JOIN(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row), " - ") + " - " + [Task Name]@row, "")

and everything worked as expected. Another group saw this and wanted it for their calendar. I figured that rather than create an extra column to write a similar formula I would add what I needed to the original formula. This is what I came up with.

=IFERROR(IF([RegOps Overlay Calendar]@row = 1, JOIN(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row), " - ") + " - " + [Task Name]@row, IF([Key Stakeholder Overlap]@row = 1, JOIN(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row), " - ") + " - " + [Task Name]@row, "")), "")

Now no data shows up on my Report or in the Calendar App. Is there some other way to write the new formula?

Thank you in advance for all of your help.



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