COUNTIFS Formula with Multiple Criteria

Samantha S.
Samantha S. ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 04/13/23 in Formulas and Functions

I have a formula that counts the 3 test results from another sheet and says that if their Overall Grade is Mastery (Pass) then mark them as Mastery on this sheet. This functions as designed. I now need to take into account a 4th test attempt which is on the same sheet as this formula and I can't figure out how. Basically if their Overall Grade on the other sheet is "Mastery" (pass) then their would not be a 4th attempt and my current formula is correct, but if their Overall Grade on the other sheet is "Development" (fail) then they would have a 4th attempt and then the outcome of the 4th attempt needs to overwrite what the outcome of the other 3 attempt were. Any thoughts?

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