Pre-populate user form


I have created a single service form to streamline the process of following up with the service team to obtain updates and status information. Instead of creating a new form for each project claim, my goal is to have this one form automatically populate the following fields based on the corresponding row/project details:

  1. Project ID
  2. Claim ID
  3. Site Name
  4. Claim Description

Although the current formula allows me to open the form, it does not automatically populate these fields with the relevant data from each cell. Could you please help me understand what I might be missing or what needs to be changed in order to achieve this functionality?

Current Formula:[Project%20ID]@row+%22&Claim_ID=%22+[Claim%20ID]@row+%22&Site_name=%22+[Site%20name]@row+%22&Claim_Description=%22+[Claim%20Description]@row+%22

Best Answer

  • LeAndre
    LeAndre ✭✭
    edited 04/18/23 Answer ✓

    Hello all! 🌟 Pre-populate user form (SOLVED)

    Just yesterday, I posted a question here in the community, seeking help for an issue I was facing. Sadly, I didn't receive any responses, but that didn't dampen my determination! I kept searching for a solution, and I'm happy to report that I've figured it out! 🎉 I wanted to share my findings with you all, in case anyone else encounters the same problem.

    So, here's the situation: I was using a query link to open a form, but the fields I expected to be pre-populated with data from the source sheet were empty. I decided to dig deeper and experiment until I found the answer! 🕵️‍♀️

    The trick turned out to be adding a space between each string in the formula. Take a look at this example:

    ="Form URL?Project%20ID=" + SUBSTITUTE([Project ID]@row, " ", "%20")

    Do you see the spaces before and after the + sign? That's the key! Make sure to add spaces like that for each cell you're trying to prepopulate. 🤓

    To be honest, I still don't fully understand why this works, but it does! I hope this little discovery can help some of you avoid the same headaches I experienced. And remember, persistence pays off—sometimes you find the solution sooner than you think! 💪


  • LeAndre
    LeAndre ✭✭
    edited 04/18/23 Answer ✓

    Hello all! 🌟 Pre-populate user form (SOLVED)

    Just yesterday, I posted a question here in the community, seeking help for an issue I was facing. Sadly, I didn't receive any responses, but that didn't dampen my determination! I kept searching for a solution, and I'm happy to report that I've figured it out! 🎉 I wanted to share my findings with you all, in case anyone else encounters the same problem.

    So, here's the situation: I was using a query link to open a form, but the fields I expected to be pre-populated with data from the source sheet were empty. I decided to dig deeper and experiment until I found the answer! 🕵️‍♀️

    The trick turned out to be adding a space between each string in the formula. Take a look at this example:

    ="Form URL?Project%20ID=" + SUBSTITUTE([Project ID]@row, " ", "%20")

    Do you see the spaces before and after the + sign? That's the key! Make sure to add spaces like that for each cell you're trying to prepopulate. 🤓

    To be honest, I still don't fully understand why this works, but it does! I hope this little discovery can help some of you avoid the same headaches I experienced. And remember, persistence pays off—sometimes you find the solution sooner than you think! 💪