How do I delete a Project and all assigments from Resource Management?

Chadd ✭✭
edited 04/21/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a "test" project with many assignments that is connected to Resource Management. I want to delete the sheet and remove it completely from RM including all assignments. I disconnected the sheet from RM, but the Project and assignments remain in RM. It appears the only way to delete the project from RM is to first manually delete each assignment one by one. Is there no way to simply delete and remove the entire project from RM?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Chadd

    To delete a project from Resource Management, you'll first need to delete all associated time entries, expenses, assignments, and phases as you've found. See: Deleting a Project or Phase

    There currently isn't a way to bulk delete all assignments or delete the project in one go without removing assignments first. Please submit your feature request to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community. This will allow other users to vote on your enhancement idea!



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