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New Notifications Design

We had working notifications set up in the past which would allow us to create notifications based on rows instead of columns. Now it seems a user will get a notification if anything on the sheet changes instead of a notification for changes to a specific row, which can lead to hundreds of useless notifications. Instead of re-designing all the sheets(which is thousands), it would be a nice upgrade if you can designate notifications based on changes to a specific cell. It must be possible because the user history can be pin-pointed to a cell. How far away is an upgrade like this?

The notifications seemed to be centered around the Assigned To column, which is great for reporting. However, we need notifications based on specific cells.





  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Angie, the new notifications allows for designating specific criteria for minimizing the rows that are being checked. For instance, in our case, we are checking whenever the status of a column changes to complete, but we add a stipulation that the task name must contain specific words. This enables the notification to fire ONLY on the single row with that name. See the attached screenshot "Rubric Editing". We set this up with the when a column changes. 


    when column changes.jpg

  • Hi, and thank you for your help. Does the column have to be certain type of column? I'm asking because we just tested this using the column we need, and it isn't working. That's why I was hoping we could point the notification to a cell instead of a column or row. The column type is a drop down list. Thank you again for your response!


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Can you share screenshots of your notification settings and the sheet with the row that you are trying to get notifications on? Also, if you are expecting the notifications yourself you might have to set the following setting: 

    Account Settings > personal settings - check off "Include my changes in sheet notifications"


  • Hi Mike,

    I just wanted to say thank you because changing the settings allowed the tests to go through. We were able to complete a test notification using the information you provided in the screenshot. Thank you very much for your help with this!

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You're welcome! :) Glad I could help! 

This discussion has been closed.