Join Function Across Multiple Reference Sheets for a single cell

Hi, I am looking to join text across multiple referenced sheets and am running in an unparseable issue. Here is what I have. I've seen Join/Collect formulas referenced too but all of the criteria needed there seems to be overkill since I only need to reference a single cell that won't change across multiple sheets.

=JOIN({556.6. MTS - Project Health Metrics Range 1}:{516.6. Project Health Metrics Range 2}:{557.6. Project Health Metrics Range 1}, " ")

Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Andrew Magoon

    For your situation would probably be best to just pout them together manually (not using JOIN):

    =INDEX({556.6. MTS - Project Health Metrics Range 1}, 1) + " " + INDEX({516.6. Project Health Metrics Range 2}, 1) + " " + INDEX({557.6. Project Health Metrics Range 1}, 1)


  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Andrew Magoon

    For your situation would probably be best to just pout them together manually (not using JOIN):

    =INDEX({556.6. MTS - Project Health Metrics Range 1}, 1) + " " + INDEX({516.6. Project Health Metrics Range 2}, 1) + " " + INDEX({557.6. Project Health Metrics Range 1}, 1)

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