Formulas and Functions

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WBS with a 3rd level and using letters

edited 04/24/23 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to build upon @Toufong Vang genius approach pasted below, however I am trying to solve for a 3rd level and using a. b. c....

I would like to add to the formula to build this 3rd level of the WBS (pictured below):

I need the sub-steps to show the full ID, such as


WS1.1.3.b, etc.

I. Create an auto-number column and ensure that it contains only numbers. The autonumber is going to be used as a "serial" number for the row. This helps to determine which row(s) came before any row.

II. Create the following helper columns in the following order.

• Parent_Serial (finds the parent of a row if there is one and returns the parent's serial number)

=IF(PARENT(AutoNum@row) <> 0, PARENT(AutoNum@row), 0)

• Parents_Count (counts the number of parents that were created before the current one)

=IF([Parent_Serial]@row = 0, COUNTIFS([Parent_Serial]:[Parent_Serial], @cell = 0, AutoNum:AutoNum, @cell < AutoNum@row) + 1, "")

• Child_Count (counts the children that were created before the current one)

=IF([Parent_Serial]@row <> 0, COUNTIFS([Parent_Serial]:[Parent_Serial], @cell = [Parent_Serial]@row, AutoNum:AutoNum, @cell < AutoNum@row) + 1, "")

• ID_Parent (creates the ID if the current row is a parent)

=IF([Parent_Serial]@row = 0, "EHR" + [Parents_Count]@row, "")

• ID_Child (creates the ID if the current row is a child)

=IF([Parent_Serial]@row <> 0, INDEX([ID_Parent]:[ID_Parent], MATCH(PARENT(AutoNum@row), AutoNum:AutoNum, 0)) + "." + [Child_Count]@row, "")

• Parent_ID (returns the ID of the parent row for the current child row)

=INDEX([ID_Parent]:[ID_Parent], MATCH(PARENT(AutoNum@row), AutoNum:AutoNum, 0))

III. Create your ID column. (I'm assuming you want this to be the sheet's primary column)

• ID

=IF([ID_Parent]@row <> "", [ID_Parent]@row, [ID_Child]@row)

This approach assumes that:

  • All new rows are parent rows. When a row is moved under a parent, the helper columns will change accordingly and the row's ID will also change. (see EHR1.1)
  • All child rows added to or moved into a parent row will be assigned the sequential child ID based on the order of its serial number. (see EHR4.2)


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