How to take the highest of 2 numbers for division over the smaller

Hi all!

I have two columns I would like to divide, however, it has to be the high number divided by low number. See my attachment.

For example because FirstNew is a bigger number, it will have to be 5/3

However, in some cases the bigger number could be in FirstOld which would have to be 7/3

What would be the formula so that it will automatically pick the largest number to be divided by the smallest? Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Robert K

    Try this

    =IF(AND(ISNUMBER(FirstOld@row), ISNUMBER(FirstNew@row)), IF(FirstOld@row >=FirstNew@row, FirstOld@row / FirstNew@row, FirstNew@row / FirstOld@row))

    First, the formula checks to make sure both columns are populated then it checks to see if FirstOld is larger than FirstNew. If it is, it does the math, otherwise, it swaps to the opposite column as the numerator.

    Will this work for you



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Robert K

    Try this

    =IF(AND(ISNUMBER(FirstOld@row), ISNUMBER(FirstNew@row)), IF(FirstOld@row >=FirstNew@row, FirstOld@row / FirstNew@row, FirstNew@row / FirstOld@row))

    First, the formula checks to make sure both columns are populated then it checks to see if FirstOld is larger than FirstNew. If it is, it does the math, otherwise, it swaps to the opposite column as the numerator.

    Will this work for you


  • Thank you Kelly! It works

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