IF Status / % Complete / Progress

I have a Project Tracking list sheet that has a

Drop-down Status column including At Risk, Pending, In Progress, and Complete; we use card view for this.

% Complete column that is a text/number field, and 

Progress symbol column (Empty, Quarter, Half, Three Quarter & Full). 

Is there a formula that could be used in the % Complete and Progress columns to do the following?

If Status is At Risk = 0% in the %Complete Column and Empty in the Progress Column

If Status is In Progress = 50% Complete and Quarter in the Progress Column

If Status is Pending = 75% complete and Three Quarter in the Progress Column

If Status is Complete = 100% Complete and Full in the progress Column

Thank you so much for helping me!


Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    For the % Complete Column:

    =IF(status@row = "At Risk", 0, IF(status@row = "In Progress", 0.5, IF(status@row = "Pending", 0.75, IF(status@row = "Complete", 1, ""))))

    For the Progress Column:

    =IF(status@row = "At Risk", "Empty", IF(status@row = "In Progress", "Quarter", IF(status@row = "Pending", "Three Quarter", IF(status@row = "Complete", "Full", ""))))


  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    For the % Complete Column:

    =IF(status@row = "At Risk", 0, IF(status@row = "In Progress", 0.5, IF(status@row = "Pending", 0.75, IF(status@row = "Complete", 1, ""))))

    For the Progress Column:

    =IF(status@row = "At Risk", "Empty", IF(status@row = "In Progress", "Quarter", IF(status@row = "Pending", "Three Quarter", IF(status@row = "Complete", "Full", ""))))

  • Lpv_11
    Lpv_11 ✭✭

    It totally worked! Thank you Soooo Much!!! You MADE MY DAY!!! 😀

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