Task Status Autofill based on % Complete and On Hold Flag



I would like to autofill my task status column to "Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed", or "On Hold". Not started, In progress, and completed would be based off a completion %, and On Hold would be based off a flag called "On Hold". I would like to keep this flag so we can use it for roll ups in our dashboards if possible.

"Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed" can be completed using function =IF([% Comp]@row = 0, "Not Started", IF([% Comp]@row = 1, "Completed", "In Progress"))

"On Hold" can be completed using function =IF([On Hold]@row = 1, "On Hold")

Can anyone let me know of a way to say use % completed unless On Hold flag is set and then always use "On Hold" as Status until flag is cleared?

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