Workflow Automation for Email Alerts Not Working

I have a sheet where users will be able to enter rows as a new "ticket", and once they selected what the ticket category is, another row will populate a name through a column formula. I have set a workflow as a test for when my Maintenance Request Owner column changes to a name, an email will be sent out daily with the summary of changes. I thought it would be simple, but the email never came through. I tried changing it to When triggered and added a new test row with the right changes to trigger an email, but that also didn't work. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Best Answer

    SPIPMO ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @RaymondF

    Please try this.

    (1) When rows are added or changed - any value

    (2) Add Condition -- When Maintenance request owner is equal to Mel Tek (you can add conditional path for other names).

    (3) Alert someone...

    Hope this helps!



    SPIPMO ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @RaymondF

    Please try this.

    (1) When rows are added or changed - any value

    (2) Add Condition -- When Maintenance request owner is equal to Mel Tek (you can add conditional path for other names).

    (3) Alert someone...

    Hope this helps!


  • Hi @SPIPMO

    That worked! Thank you!

    What is the difference between what I did (setting the maintenance request owner change within Trigger) and what you did (setting the maintenance request owner change within Condition)?

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