Help fixing this formula


If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a number, then return ‘’TIGR’’ if not return blank.

If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a number, then return ‘’QAQC’’ if not return blank.

If the pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a number, then return ‘’Strike’’ if not return blank.

If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR & pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC & pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a number, then return ‘’All Completed’’

If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a text, then return ''N/A'',

If the pre-closing draw date submitted to Strike Team has a text, then return ''N/A'',

 If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a text, then return ''N/A''


=IF(ISNUMBER([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), "TIGR", IF(ISNUMBER([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row), "QAQC", IF(ISNUMBER([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row), "Strike", IF(AND(ISNUMBER([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), ISNUMBER([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row), ISNUMBER([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row)),''All Completed'', '' '', IF(OR(ISTEXT([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row,[DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row,[Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row,''N/A'')))))))

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Are you getting an error or is it outputting something unexpected? I noticed you are using ISNUMBER and ISTEXT to evaluate what I assume are date columns instead of using the ISDATE function.

  • PeterM
    PeterM ✭✭

    @Paul Newcome

    I'm still receiving an error.


    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a date, then return ‘’TIGR’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a date, then return ‘’QAQC’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a date, then return ‘’Strike’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR & pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC & pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a date, then return ‘’All Completed’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a text, then return ''N/A'',

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to Strike Team has a text, then return ''N/A'',

     If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a text, then return ''N/A''


    =IF(ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), "TIGR", IF(ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row), "QAQC", IF(ISDATE([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row), "Strike", IF(AND(ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row), ISDATE([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row)),''All Completed'', '' '', IF(OR(ISTEXT([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row,[DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row,[Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row,''N/A'')))))))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    I think I see some syntax issues. Give this a try:

    =IF(ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), "TIGR", IF(ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row), "QAQC", IF(ISDATE([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row), "Strike", IF(AND(ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), ISDATE([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row), ISDATE([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row)),''All Completed'', IF(OR(ISTEXT([DATE Pre-Closing Draw In TIGR]@row), ISTEXT([DATE Pre-Closing Draw Submitted to QAQC]@row),ISTEXT([Pre-Closing Draw DATE Submitted to Strike Team]@row),''N/A'')))))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Are you able to provide a screenshot of the formula actually in the sheet similar to the screenshot below?

  • PeterM
    PeterM ✭✭

    @Paul Newcome

    This is the logic:

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a date, then return ‘’TIGR’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a date, then return ‘’QAQC’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a date, then return ‘’Strike’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR & pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC & pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a date, then return ‘’All Completed’’

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a text, then return ''N/A'',

    If the pre-closing draw date submitted to Strike Team has a text, then return ''N/A'',

     If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a text, then return ''N/A''

    Thank you!

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    It looks like it is not registering a column name. Instead of typing them out, click on each cell as needed. I also see that you didn't remove the section after "All Completed" (the first bold change in my example above).

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