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Column Properties

Lawrence Liu
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

How can I set up a column to capture data such as a phone number with xxx (xxx) xxxx xxxx format for Country Code, Area Code and phone number.  With dafualt County Code of where there data is coming from or with a default value that can be over-wrtitten by submitter



  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    If you are talking about using web forms you could use a concatenation to create a final column, and just use a default value in the web form. the concatenation would look something like this: 

    ="("+[Primary Column]1 + ") " + [Column2]1 + " " + [Column3]1 + " " + [Column4]1

    that way each column would be updated independently and put together in the 5th column

  • Hi Lawrence, if you don't want to have the submitter parse a phone number out into separate fields, you might consider using the LEFT and MID functions in your formula:

    ="(" + LEFT([Phone Number]1, 3) + ") " + MID([Phone Number]1, 4, 3) + "-" + MID([Phone Number]1, 7, 4)


  • Thank you Luke & Shanie


    But what I wanted in the web form layouts is to show up as 

    e.g.  Phone - xxx (xxx) xxxx xxxx

    As a guided field to those entering the form.  I do not like to have the form verticular format I prefer it as a line as the above


    Country Code    xxx

    City code           xxx

    Phone number  xxxxxxxx

    That is not appealing.


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    In that case you could use a query string for the web form. I'm not to familiar with the topic as I haven't used it myself, but I plan to soon.  Here is a help document on the topic.




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