I've been using a simple index + match function to pull information from another sheet and for some reason on a new sheet the functionality seems to not work correctly. Specifically, it only correctly pulls the information for some of the rows.
I went and sorted the row in the source sheet and got it to work, but we'd prefer to keep the rows sorted differently. I understand when using VLookup that it's critical to have the information sorted in order to work, but haven't had an issue whenever using the Index + Match formulas until today:
Here are the two formulas I've used:
Formula A: =INDEX({HR - EE Master Email}, MATCH([EE#]@row, {HR - EE Master Range 1}), 0)
Formula B: =INDEX({HR - EE Master Email}, MATCH([EE#]@row, {HR - EE Master Range 1}), 1)