Display Issue with Formula

I have another equation that is not displaying the value I need to pull down. I think I have the formula right, it's not coming back with an error, yet there is no numbers displaying. Ultimately I want it to pull down the generation from a previous year so wer can compare. Ideas/ Thoughts?

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    edited 06/04/23 Answer ✓

    Hey @NuGenAdmin

    I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve. Try this to see if the guess was correct.

    I purposely left off the IFERROR until the formula is working correctly as it will mask any error the formula generates.

    =INDEX(COLLECT([Also Energy Production]:[Also Energy Production], Year:Year, [Previous Year]@row, Month:Month, Month@row, [Project Name]:[Project Name], [Project Name]@row),1)

    Is this what you need?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    edited 06/04/23 Answer ✓

    Hey @NuGenAdmin

    I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve. Try this to see if the guess was correct.

    I purposely left off the IFERROR until the formula is working correctly as it will mask any error the formula generates.

    =INDEX(COLLECT([Also Energy Production]:[Also Energy Production], Year:Year, [Previous Year]@row, Month:Month, Month@row, [Project Name]:[Project Name], [Project Name]@row),1)

    Is this what you need?


  • NuGenAdmin
    NuGenAdmin ✭✭✭

    @Kelly Moore Thats it!!! Thank you so much!

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