Flexible Duration value when calculating scheduling dates

I have a Smartsheet which is a project plan with the Dependencies and Duration columns is being used in scheduling calculations to automatically deriving the start/end dates for each task. However, I need the Duration to be dynamic e.g. linking cell to a cell in another sheet or to contain a formulae.. However, I cannot see anyway of achieving this - any suggestions on how to get around this?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mark Duddy

    If you're using dependencies in a Project Sheet, then the Duration column is not able to be updated via formulas or cell links. This is because it's used in combination with the Start and Finish dates in your sheet to automatically generate data (e.g. if you add the Start date and a Duration, the Finish date populates. If you add the Start date and Finish date, the Duration automatically populates).

    You could set up your sheet to use regular columns and use your own formulas to generate automatic dates based on a text/number "duration" column, but then these details would not be associated with Critical paths or other Project features in a Gantt chart.



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