How to show data of previous working day?

For a stacked column chart on a dashboard, I count the number of applicable cases daily. The current formula shows NO DATA on Monday because TODAY(-1) is Sunday.

=COUNTIFS({Customer Escalation Region}, $Region@row, {Customer Escalation Request Reason}, "Close Gap", {Customer Escalation Request Date}, TODAY(-1))

I'm thinking about 'Record date via automation', 'convert the date with Weekday()', 'add If Weekday()=2, use TODAY(-3)'.

If there are good ways to show data of previous working day, please advise me.

Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sachiko Kagami,

    The WORKDAY function is what you're after here.

    In your case, I think the following should work:

    =COUNTIFS({Customer Escalation Region}, $Region@row, {Customer Escalation Request Reason}, "Close Gap", {Customer Escalation Request Date}, WORKDAY(TODAY(),-1)

    This will do the check for yesterday, skipping weekends. Public holidays aren't automatically in there, but you can add these as per the link.

    Hope this helps - if there are any issues then just post! 😊
