Time in a Sheet across Three Shifts - Best Approach?

We run three shifts over 24 hours - some tasks may start on one shift and finish on another. Is there a best practice way to set this up in SmartSheets?

I have searched the community and found limited information on this - if it's already been addressed, please point me to that information.

Thank you


  • Colleen Patterson
    Colleen Patterson Community Champion

    @Steve Patton

    It may help for this task to have a better understanding of your request, the nature of logging, number of sheets involved, etc. Any more information (and screenshots) that you would be able to provide, would be great and allow the Community Champions to better assist you.

    If my answer helped you, please be sure to mark it as Accepted to help future learners locate the information.

    Always happy to work through questions or concerns!

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