PMO Template Set: Suggestions for challenges with how Schedule Health is calculated?

Holly G
Holly G ✭✭
edited 07/11/23 in Formulas and Functions

I am struggling with how Schedule Health is calculated in the Project Plan that comes with the PMO template set – it seems misleading and not an accurate reflection of health because:

  1. After setting a Baseline, the Schedule Health is still calculated using Target End Date (which is likely a different date than what is in my approved Baseline).
  2. Schedule Health is also using the Actual End Date (“End Date”) but we could be past that date and not yet determined the actual end date yet – so the health could be misleading – showing as “green” until I enter the actual date. (In other Project Plan templates – not part of PMO set – the Schedule Health would show “red” if the Baseline End date passed and is not marked as 100% complete.

Am I understanding this correctly? If so, have you or others had issues with this and have suggestions for how I can still use this template (within PMO set) but accurately track and communicate Schedule Health?

Thank you in advance for any additional insight and tips you can share.


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