PMO Template: Link metadata project dashboard link back to Project Intake sheet

I'm using the PMO template and am having trouble getting the project metadata's project dashboard link to link back to the project intake sheet. I keep getting an #unparseable error but my references and syntax look okay.

=INDEX({Project Metadata Data}, MATCH($[Project ID]@row, {Project Metadata ID}, 0), MATCH([Project Dashboard Link]$1, {Project Metadata Columns}, 0))


    SPIPMO ✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/15/23

    Hello @caseybateman

    When you use formula to obtain the value of Project Dashboard Link, it only provides the value of the project dashboard link itself, rather than the actual link page or hyperlink of the project dashboard.

    However, if you are setting this up in Smartsheet Control Center, it may offer additional functionality to include the actual link page or hyperlink of the project dashboard.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you!


  • Thanks @SPIPMO! I'm not sure why the column would be in the intake sheet if it was a manual process to write back to it. Maybe the template is designed to be used with Control Center.

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