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Certifed User


I participated in the Certification program last year and was told it was only good for 1 year. What is the next step to getting re-certified?




  • Interesting question. I didn't know there was a certification program. I attended Smartsheet Academy in Feb 2016 so I'm curious to know the answer to this question as well.

  • Lauren F
    Lauren F Employee


    I'm Lauren from the Smartsheet Training Team, and I'm happy to answer your questions on Smartsheet Certification.

    Certification is currently available through our online training subscription, Center of Excellence. With an annual subscription to Center of Excellence, you will not only have access to the latest Certification exam, but also a growing library of on-going training. To learn more about Center of Excellence, click here.

    If you are only interested in Certification, click here to access our latest exam.



  • I have taken the Certified User Exam twice and not passed.  How do I find out what topics I am failing so that I can work to improve my knowledge there before retaking the exam?



  • Art Miller
    Art Miller ✭✭✭


    I took the exam 2 years ago and renewed it last year.   Can you tell me what new content from the past 2 years makes it worth my while to purchase this for a third year and renew my certificate again.   I couldn't really find anything on what was available.




  • Lauren F
    Lauren F Employee

    Hi Art,

    Recently, we have enhanced our Product Certification with a hand-on component! This is a fantastic way to demonstrate not only your knowledge of Smartsheet features, but ability to apply that knowledge. 

    I don't have a comprehensive list of features added or updated that would effect the certification exam, but I know enhancements like Conditional Notifications are now included. 



  • What are the requirements to get recertified?

    I just passed the exam so I don't have to look into this for a year but wanted to know my options.



  • Betsy Green
    Betsy Green ✭✭✭


    I see that the certification lasts for one year. What do I need to do to renew?



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