Formula for collecting headers of checkboxes

I need a formula to check column a , b and c and if their checkbox is checked to bring back the column column names (a, b, c) and separate them with comma. can anyone help?


  • Ipshita
    Ipshita Community Champion

    Hello @mahmadi We need a little more clarification on your question here. In the columns, a, b and c, what exactly are you trying to check, is it a COUNT of the checked boxes you need, or a SUM accordingly we can use the formula to return the desired result.

    If possible, can you attach a test screenshot?



    Ipshita Mukherjee

  • mahmadi
    mahmadi ✭✭

    Hi @Ipshita . I have three columns which are defined as textboxes. in column 4 I want to bring back the column header of the first three columns if the box is checked for them. eg if only columns A and C are checked for one row, i want it t bring back "A, C" which are the column headers. does this help?

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion

    Hi @mahmadi ,

    I am not aware of a way to get the column names with a Smartsheet formula. I have come up with a solution that involves the use of helper columns and a hard-coded nested if.

    Essentially, the 3 column checkboxes have values of 1, 5, and 10. These values are then summed and the value determines which columns are checked. Here is a screenshot.

    helper1 =IF([Column1]@row = 1, 1)

    helper2 =IF([Column2]@row = 1, 5)

    helper3 =IF([Column3]@row = 1, 10)

    Sum =SUM([helper1]@row, [helper2]@row, [helper3]@row)

    Column Names =IF(Sum@row = 1, "Column1", IF(Sum@row = 5, "Column2", IF(Sum@row = 10, "Column3", IF(Sum@row = 6, "Column1, Column2", IF(Sum@row = 11, "Column1, Column3", IF(Sum@row = 15, "Column2, Column3", IF(Sum@row = 16, "Column1, Column2, Column3")))))))

    Once working, hide the helper and sum columns.

    Hope this helps,


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