Date Format not translating to plain text


I have a Date column which I have formatted as short form Day and Date (example: Mon 18-Sep-2023), which I am trying to convert to plain text.

I know adding +"" to the formula of the other column will convert the Date column into plain text, but it returns as 09/18/23, not "Mon 18-Sep-2023".

Is there any work around for this issue?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try something like this where Finish is the date column in question:

    =DAY(Finish@row) + "-" + nested_IF_to_output_month_text + "-" + YEAR(Finish@row)

    The nested IF for the month text would look something along the lines of:

    IF(MONTH(Finish@row) = 1, "Jan", IF(MONTH(Finish@row) = 2, "Feb", IF(MONTH(Finish@row) = 3, "Mar", ...........................................

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