Show & Tell

Show & Tell

Whether a promotion, Smartsheet solution, best practice or badge - Share, celebrate & cheer on each other!

Hello World!

First, thank you for all of you who made it to Engage23 last week. It was fantastic meeting so many customers!

Who am I? Chris Martin, Sr. Dir of Smartsheet University. I know...It's about time I start hanging around here! took me awhile to get grounded in what SmartU has been about and forming an idea of where we need to go from here. But as a famous (or infamous) film character said, "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

So here I am, taking a look around. I'm very keen to learn from the Smartsheet Community, what are we doing right, what could we do better, and what classes would you like to see in the future.

A few things I am excited to share now:

  1. The SystemAdmin Certification exam is "free"! You do have to do a little work for it. Go through the online modules in SmartU, which are free for all, complete all three modules, accept the badge, and you will be emailed a code for a free cert attempt. I firmly believe every customer should have a certified Admin.
  2. Blueprint Lead Certification is coming in late November! Stay tuned for more details and a chance to participate in the beta exam.
  3. Smartsheet University offers 3 and 2-day vILT classes on your favorite topics - Core, PM, and Blueprint. And...!!! For a limited time, we are experimenting with some new distribution channels and offering heavy discounts for those who make direct purchases. You might want to check out

I am looking forward to reading a lot of your thoughts and ideas!


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