Using COUNTIFS to count number of occurrences within two different sheets = UNPARSEABLE


Hello - This is my first time using this community. I am trying count across two sheets to count the number of times a name is present in a column. They could be contained in both or just one sheet. My formula is continually wrong and from experience I know that it is likely something little that I am missing. Here is the latest one I have tried:

=COUNTIFS({Polaris minus CSC Creator}, =Creator@row, {Polaris minus CSC Date}, >=DATE(2022, 1, 1), {Polaris minus CSC Date}, <=DATE(2022, 12, 31)), {Polaris CSC Open}, OR({Polaris CSC Range 2}, =Creator@row, {Polaris CSC Open}, >=DATE(2022, 1, 1), {Polaris CSC Open}, <=DATE(2022, 12, 31))

Any advice would be appreciated!

Best Answer


  • Michele R

    I realized that I put the wrong Formula that I am actually using, the OR is wrong in the original post. This one shows where the OR needs to be...I think :)

    =COUNTIFS({Polaris minus CSC Creator}, =Creator@row, {Polaris minus CSC Date}, >=DATE(2022, 1, 1), { Polaris minus CSC Date}, <=DATE(2022, 12, 31)), OR({Polaris CSC Open}, {Polaris CSC Range 2}, =Creator@row, {Polaris CSC Open}, >=DATE(2022, 1, 1), {Polaris CSC Open}, <=DATE(2022, 12, 31))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You would need to create two separate COUNTIFS (one for each sheet) and then add them together.

    =COUNTIFS({Sheet 1}) + COUNTIFS({Sheet 2})

  • Michele R

    Thank you Paul. I did end up trying that after I submitted my question but for some reason my second COUNTIFS is not counting. For the test user, I know that the first sheet is zero and the second sheet has counts.

    =COUNTIFS({Polaris minus CSC Creator1}, =Creator@row, {Polaris minus CSC Substatus}, "Open-Update Needed" + COUNTIFS({ Polaris minus CSC Creator1}, =Creator@row, {Polaris minus CSC Substatus}, "Resolved-Completed"))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Because your syntax is off. You need to move one of the closing parenthesis from the very end to close out the first COUNTIFS before moving on to add the second one.

  • Michele R

    Thank you Paul! I found an extra paren at the end of my formula which is what was causing my issue all along.

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