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create a location updated index from 1-10

L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I need to create a count of 1-10 that always stays at the top of the column in the correct order even when the sheet is sorted and when web forms are used to input information to the top of the sheet. Sounds simple but I have no clue how to do this without drawing a circular reference and without the ability to reference a row number.


  • One method we use is to have a hidden column.

    We then have a hidden field in our Webform; this is named based on where you would like a new entry to show in your sheet view.

    For example in the screenshot attached; new tasks that are submitted by a "new task webform" have a hidden field [StructureSort] on the form with the default value of  "4.TASK" 

    In your example you may have a count of 1-10 in StructureSort and the default value on your forms may be 0 or 11 depending on if you want new entries above or below.



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