Duration wont change on summary when subtasks do

I need help. I put ZERO in all the sub-tasks under a summary because i don't need them. However the summary duration didn't change to zero like other summary rows did. Can anyone help!??


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Kanger30,

    I'm assuming you put 0 day durations for all sub tasks to a parent task? Did you put Start & Finish dates? If so, the parent is going to take the earliest Start date as well as the latest Finish date, and will automatically subtract the dates to find the duration for the sub tasks.

    For example: the following has 2 children tasks with 0 day durations (milestones by definition). The parent row is taking the earliest Start and latest Finish, and auto calculating the parent Duration. You can't override that. It's by design.

    All the best,
